Thank you, GOD! And thank you, Mina(my wife)!
We had been trying for one and half years to get Isaac's(my son) younger sister or brother.
But we did not get any positive result. Last Saturday, Mina told me her condition was really bad? and she felt like she was pregnant but she did not think that she was. She thought it might be a stomach related problem but I insisted her to take the home pregnancy test.
And we laughted and laughted.......the result was positive. We will have a new baby :)
We almost had given up get on the second child but we wished and hoped..... Finally, we made it!
Thank you, GOD!
1st. image is one month fetus, 2nd is two month. DR. Kim told us that the fetus is about 6 weeks old so she/he would be between 1st. image and 2nd image. (Image from AS YOUR BABY GROWS magazine)

See center of the image, you can see small circle and white dot inside of it. That is the fetus!
For the first baby, Isaac, I did not help my wife much but now I am dedicated and will do my best to be a great part of. We are so excited and a bit scare to start all over again.
I will start like a brand new daddy.....
i'm happy for you and your wife
thierry picar
a french photogrpher
Oh! Frech Photographer....! :)
Thank you so much, Thierry! And thank you again!
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